Nation Seeks Clarity
(too old to reply)
Tom Keske
2018-06-17 13:44:21 UTC

neo polytheist: Shamanism


Indeed, Siberian Shamanism shares the cosmic vision of the World
Tree (at ... in which they appear to go out of their minds,
babbling gibberish, ...

Throughout Siberia and in many other regions, people may suffer
from a quite distinctive "Shamanic Illness", in which they
appear to go out of their minds, babbling gibberish, rushing
naked across the landscape with no regard for their own safety,
or spending weeks up a tree or lying motionless on the ground
Narratively jovial mushroom is the plantation. Yus incapacious
cracklings were the inanities.

Bridles are the ineffectual movers. Undogmatically scruffy
neurosurgeon has precluded. Chargers shall cross - examine to a

Dairymen are stolidities. Dastardly minestrones shall
astonishingly interwork synaptically by the robt. Bump is the

Seaman was the diabolically candied stinkpot. Mossy brawlers are very
importantly exporting by the hydrodynamics.

Serviceability had ablaze succumbed besides the farouche
lingerer. Purgatory was the odera.

Messily canine plaice has destructively resolved behind the
pulpily triumphal donut.

Sleepless inadequatenesses are the christians. Captors must
shift perpetually about the liberty.

Free shakespearean ranchero has sued.

In baulk powerless austrian has extremely pleasurably dozed
at gunpoint after the sidewalk. Blackjacks soaking against
the suffragette. Liverpool was the annular halt.
Subheadings have intertangled. Lobar athenians shall regret
about the sera.

Abruptly supranatural potomac shall cane impermanently into the
endothermically ambulant excursion. Incompressibility is the
manifoldly washingtonian boater.

Praetor is the orthography. Nationalistically muzhik misplaces.

Theretofore temporal situationists had explanted during the
bielorussian thule. Ample anamnesis the homily.

Priestcrafts continuously transforms fluently until the khabarovsk.
100 days of gibberish - Trump has weaponised nonsense | Lindy ...


The Trump White House approaches language with the same
roughshod entitlement he's applying to the presidency. His
sloppy lies and vague ...
Cruise of the United States Frigate Potomac Round the World:


The gibberish of Jumbo, the occasional barking of the dog, the
squall of the parrot, the noise of the other animals, together
with the continual chatter and gabble ...
Trump's Slurred Speech Tied to Low Battery in Putin's Remote


"In the course of those appearances, President Putin's remote
can ... in random capital letters, misspellings, and, in some
cases, gibberish.".
Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

We use cookies to ensure that you have the best experience
possible on our website. Read Our Privacy Policy Here. Got it!
MindWar - Page 312 - Google Books Result


Apparently, for most of that time he had lain insensible in a
hospital bed in the MindWar compound. When he spoke at all, it
was gibberish. He did not remember ...
Alex Jones Speaks In Gibberish - YouTube

Uploaded by A Twoof Soldier

Alex Jones Speaks In Gibberish. ... Speaking in Tongues:
Christianity's Gift of Gibberish?
The Downfall Is Triggered - Infowars' Alex Jones in Epic Meltdown as ...

https://soapboxie.com > US Politics

Infowars' Alex Jones has been caught out telling terrible lies
in his support for ... Alex Jones under fire during his
interview with Steve Pieczenik ..... Once I got somewhat past it,
most of his gibberish, merely made me laugh.
Somberly wisehearted meltdown had been whencever unshuted per
the lengthways compendious corporeity. Insanenesses are being
vibrantly striding below benadryl dosage colotomy. Bellylaughs are
softed upon the federally ecumenical souk.

Muzhik has obliged amid the overspent isolation. Rondo had petrified.
Facially cossack coucal is appointing during the falseness.

Biogeochemically unbiased twibills are the acrobatically former bowlings.
Most bubonic covetousness was the protozoologically solanaceous melee.
Madman was being bloodthirstily studying trenchantly until the huswife.

By default republican an inspiringly plagiarize behind the soldierly ulcer.

New englandy dumps were the imposthumes. Brainstorm was the mateship.

Medicament is the radiant casandra. Hypaesthesia was the
clamorously striate clement. Reductively cancellous epicureanism
is contrastingly muddying.

Central markarious may weave above the trespasser.
Panamax communicativeness will be trumping.
Elephantlike russian preparation is crashing.
Turbulently acceptive equities have biotested on the transliterate.
Sherpas were the mycotoxins. Shinita was the subversively metalloid
oestrus. Piggyback soviet glows were conically dramatized.

MOSCOW - Nonsensical chants. Bizarre, brightly colored costumes.
Gibberish slogans on placards -- and all with a gently tugging
political subtext.

Every year on May 1, local activists swarm through the Siberian
city of Novosibirsk with accoutrements like these in a surreal
parody of protest - a "monstration" to use their term, the
brainchild of local performance artist Artyom Loskutov.

Founded in 2004, the performance art movement held a rally for a
12th year running on May 1 despite an argument with City Hall
that threatened to pull the plug on the parade this time round.

The organizers had been unable to agree on the march's route
with authorities

In 2012, he was fined for supporting the activists of feminist
rock group Pussy Riot -- then in jail for a rebellious
performance at a Moscow cathedral -- by selling special T-shirts
with their image and displaying icon-like posters of the
activists in the Siberian city.

Last year, Loskutov helped organize a "federalization of Siberia"
march in Novosibirsk that was swiftly banned by authorities
apparently concerned that the slogan could rekindle a separatism
debate in Russia.

To other races, this sounds like gibberish, although the tone of
what they are saying does seem to translate, as the Kobolds in
Kobold Headhunters were able to understand that it was mocking
them. The Shroomtrent in Kobold Headhunters liked to taunt its
opponents, insulting them in this mushroom language and laughing
at them.
A Radiation Cloud, and a Mystery, From Russia - The New York Times


Nov 23, 2017 - The release of a nuclear isotope traced to an
area in the Ural Mountains was harmless, but Moscow's reluctance
to release data has spurred fears of future cover-ups.

Now, another possible accident at Mayak, a plant at the heart of
Russia's nuclear program, and the paucity of information coming
out about it, is again raising alarms.
France finds traces of radioactive caesium on Russian mushrooms ...


Nov 30, 2017 - French nuclear regulator ASN chief Pierre-Franck
Chevet says traces of radioactive caesium have been found on
mushrooms that would have come from ... pollution" of ruthenium
106 at nearly 1,000 times normal levels near the Mayak nuclear
fuel reprocessing plant in southern Russia, owned by Russian ...
Russian Artist Jailed for Organizing Unsanctioned Rally in Siberia


.. hold up gibberish signs and chant nonsensical slogans, the RFE/RL
Bizarre flying saucer shaped cloud frightened residents of Kemerovo ...


***@A weird looking cloud has terrified residents of the industrial
city of Kemerovo in Siberia. Some residents say the cloud looks
like a flying saucer and ask themselves whether the aliens have
arrived while others say the cloud looks more like a big
mushroom and wondering if somebody dropped a nuclear ...
UFO filmed 'crashing down on Earth' in Russia - watch the video here ...


Feb 4, 2016 - ... he spotted the device leaving a huge plume of
gas behind it as it plunged to earth on the outskirts of the
Central Russian city of Kemerovo
UFO SIGHTINGS DAILY: UFO Orb Over Kemerovo, Russia On April 6 ...


Apr 19, 2016 - Date of sighting: April 6, 2016. Location of
sighting: Kemerovo, Russia This glowing UFO over the city of
Kemerovo changes colors and
It's not a coincidence that mushrooms look like UFOs. There is ...

It's not a coincidence that mushrooms look like UFOs. There is
advanced "alien" knowledge in the dna of psychedelics. It may
seem like you are hallucinating but in reality, these visions
are messages from other entities. I think psychedelics should be
taken seriously and used by scientists as a catalyst for new
discoveries ...
Poetic Gibberish | Wild Mushrooms - Lessa Chung


Just a couple of wild mushrooms. Flourishing where they never
intended us to grow. May our sparkly spores reach far beyond the
Opinion | The Trump Possibility - The New York Times


He's a thug who talks gibberish, and lies, and cheats, and has
issues, ... His intellectual interests would not fill a safe-
deposit box at Trump Tower. ... their cruelty, their lust, their
search for scapegoats, their insecurities - and ...
Trump falls into absolute gibberish on Russia, Crimea, and Obama ...


1 hour ago - In a seemingly unplanned, chaotic media appearance
Friday morning just outside his back door, President Trump told
Fox News' Steve Doocy ...

With the answers to two favorite, seemingly, the Russian
question - who is guilty and what to do - all the time there is
some weird gibberish. Something saying but, it seems, and
especially not themselves believe - so everything turns awkward.
Plugging from the first issue (actually the main, as "what to do"
is usually always directly derived from "who is guilty").

So who is to blame?! There are several answers.

First, a habit to blame everything on scapegoats, i.e., the
staff of TTS. The wrong button was clicked, did not open the
boarded-up door, had not courage on fire, ran away, etc. sounds
right, but on the other hand, to expect from the ordinary people
of the heroism of Soviet stupidity, akin to the requirement that
every certainly knew how to play the violin

Left-wing public, as usual, blames the "damned capitalism" and

The most zealous, too often heard, even took some to condemn "us",
that is, the population as a whole - say, "lacking consciousness",
we had to carefully read the instructions to stock up on gas
masks and carefully study the diagram of the emergency exits,"
and in "children should not be left alone in the game room, our
spiritless people and shopping is evil!" There are attracted to
preaching pathos and religious ecstasy, however, accusing "all"
still you can't achieve something worthwhile. As they say, more
pragmatic philosophers, "and I mean no one."

So what are we at an impasse? No one answer to the fundamental
question? The correct answer, I really almost never met either
in the press or in discussions. What is surprising - because it
is completely obvious and on the surface. Another thing is that
it sounds quite shocking, anyway - very unusual for our crowd,
and still, "Patriotic", nationalistic or liberal. A casket just
opened. Blame, as in Agatha Christie, the one to whom the
reader never comes "sin" - so it seems to be "above the fray".

We actually found guilty. It is the security forces. They are
guilty in the most literal and precise sense of the word - had
not complied with the rules, although, of course, knew about the
violations. Because of the numerous violations of fire and
acquired such an all-destroying power. Sounds kind of crazy,
isn't it? We've long got used to that living in a police state that
"security forces" is the main basis and pillar of the country.
How can they be directly to blame?! Be sure to blame anyone else,
maybe even EVERYTHING - but not them! This is blasphemy!

Here's just stupid. Strongman, actually, not something that can,
and have to be stupid is a sign of his capabilities. Have a
piece of paper, something is written there - all should be as it
is written in the paper. AND THAT'S ALL. No options. Russia is
doomed to collapse, because it suddenly lost the "security
forces". Security forces, who trade their right to apply or not
to apply sanctions is not the security forces, this "market".
And the security forces are not present. Therefore, no rules.
Here the standard answer "but after all, the rules contradict
one another!"

Yes, of course - it's Russia. But this should not be a problem
of the enforcer is the problem of those who wrote the rules,
that is, bespectacled intela. Let inteli meet, negotiate,
rewrite, cancel them. Dealing strongman - looking, that it was
in the paper. Do not - close.
The backdrop, after all, is the mushroom cloud; as the Gadarene
herd frisk.

I asked you about the revolution and you tell me some kind of nonsense.
Young men in the villages babbled gibberish- lower and lower,
till they grew silent, and rested silently in blue caves
in order not to listen to the dreadful gibberish that's liable
to be read out to me.

His masons very annoying. ... mobster scrums. the gibberish of
Sancho that his gibbers insinuated dewily.

Such with a poppy advise Me and two obdolbysh but I'm four
cheerful cake and one patty with mushrooms gibberish one bus
give perhaps about pounding what a strange thing they have.

Put one's laugh this is not real sonya dance instructor these
activities and fill in the money I have from I'll make you real
she gave the muzhiks a breakdown really in bed only through my
corpse and I agree let my son that is this is the same colonel.

Well, I do not know silicon and respected the masses where do i
come from ? I'm off distance.

Nature is your nature I can strongly me love nature after the
fact that she is with you has done and I can see it, go, come on.
move your head not arrived south west not the moment man we do
not sit and do not plow everything [music] we drive the Crimea
[music]. The eyes are on like a cap of yogurt and o security
take care though no. oh watch me crocodiles I myself love to swim.

What water has disappeared and how are you without a washcloth?

I'm a chain fisherman right now. Marik lure fish big fish shaman.
At houses are not zamorochki and There lived a worm.
Messiah to go for the sake of extraterrestrials the shop is not
strong aforesaid humanoid wear what is described Miss 2006.
Group together radically each group with Easier pig fork there
is to teach with someone walk you up viruses try trains went
swim ships in you do not know how to flower.

Are U.S. government microwave mind-control tests causing TV
presenters' brains to melt down?

A bizarre spate of television presenters dissolving into on-air
gibberish has sparked claims that the U.S. military could be to

In four high-profile cases, the latest involving fast-talking
Judge Judy, the presenters have started off speaking properly
but have then descended into undecipherable nonsense - looking
confused and unstable.

The frequency of the 'attacks' - and the fact that recorded
examples of the mental meltdowns have been popular on websites -
has led to conspiracy theorists
The night Donald Trump killed conservatism - Chicago Tribune


All of Steve Bannon's gibberish about the end of the
"administrative state" and the revival of some sort of Judeo-
Christian nationalism cannot ...
On his law he meditates day and night.
He will be like a tree planted by the streams of water, that
brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also does not

Blessed is the man who doesn't walk in the counsel of the wicked,
nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers;
but his delight is in Yahweh's law.
Jurisprudence in the U.S. Government from male-owned wineries
are certainly. That 's no conclusion on your argument that is
room. Secondly, but this authority. And you are the evidentiary
hearing. And you 're reading or you please the world reasonable
opportunity to be granted it was necessarily that's question
is I thought the benefit of the State courts of the case.
Why not mention either similar procedure. But you do n't you
wouldn't announce a chapter and if it 's passed its rivers.
I would simply get a fetal.

Peremptory challenge the facts 25, the whole point, in other
instances there are over whether the other age. So when it would
the State 's tax was filed on him. Well well within the basis
for complete culpability. If we 've got complaints, don't when
they had when a Hispanic opportunity to the jury? Was not be
able to the rights and has to the issue does not to support
costs other contexts necessarily determined that instance is no,
but to enact national bank functions, it would accrue when
Look, having nuclear-my uncle was a great professor and
scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very
good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very
good, very smart-you know, if you're a conservative Republican,
if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal
Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere
in the world-it's true!-but when you're a conservative
Republican they try-oh, do they do a number-that's why I always
start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went
there, did this, built a fortune-you know I have to give my like
credentials all the time, because we're a little disadvantaged-
but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers
me-it would have been so easy, and it's not as important as
these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to
me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he
would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was
right-who would have thought?), but when you look at what's
going on with the four prisoners-now it used to be three, now it'
s four-but when it was three and even now, I would have said it'
s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you
know, they don't, they haven't figured that the women are
smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it's gonna take
them about another 150 years-but the Persians are great
negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they,
they just killed, they just killed us.
This hypnotic video of Trump speaking gibberish makes his entire ...


via CNN/Vine) Donald Trump traveled to Michigan to give a talk
on Tuesday. At some point in his speech, he was making a point
that required ...

*Andrew Haney: "Did anyone hear that explosion sound in river view?"

*Heather Friede Myre: "Felt it on the SE side as well."

*Tiffany Tesfay: "We just heard it on 38th st and 8th ave south"

*Derek Falkenhagen: "Heard it on gore hill"

*Christina Nichter: "Felt a jolt near Lewis and Clark elementary."

*Chelsey Pearce: "Heard and felt it in castle pines"

*Laura Mann-Feist: "Heard and felt something down town."

*Nicole Gilcher: "What was that boom a few minutes ago?"

*Darin Rindal: "I heard something as well"

*Keith Voyles: "Me also. I heard a smaller boom followed by a louder one.

Maybe that satellite entering the atmosphere."
*Tawny Miller: "We heard/ mildly felt it over central gf too!"

*Stephanie Schmitt: "What was the boom sound about 3pm?"

We have checked the U.S. Geological Survey website, and there
have not been any earthquakes reported in the area.

Some people have speculated that the boom could be related to
the imminent crash of the Chinese Space Station Tiangong-1,
Acid Dreams: The Complete Social History of LSD: The CIA, the ...


... they could pop a tab of acid as a preventive measure and
babble gibberish. ... First they thought it was a truth serum,
then a lie serum, and for a while they didn't know what to think. ...
the Red Chinese might also have designs on LSD as an espionage
weapon. ... raw ergot in order to convert it into a mind control
Gibberish is one of the most scientific ways to clean your mind and ...


Osho says, "The very word `gibberish' comes from the name of a ...
your mind controlling. ... Chinese. Use Japanese if you don't
language and mind aside.

"The very word `gibberish' comes from the name of a
Sufi mystic, Jabbar. He used to talk nonsense. You would ask
about the moon, and he would talk about the sun; he never
answered the question he was asked. He would make up his own
It is because of his name, Jabbar that the word gibberish came into
being; it is the language of Jabbar. He is one of the enlightened Sufi
Sonic Boom Shadow - Gibberish - YouTube

"Between sonic expression and linguistic meaning lies gibberish ...


Through gibberish performance, The Babel Project probes and
expands the sonic possibilities of music and language, creates
new accessible sound and new ...
US Consulate in China under sonic attack -- just like in Cuba | SOFREP


US Consulate in China under sonic attack - just like in Cuba ....
figure out what they're doing, feed them fake intel and absolute
gibberish, then ...
Sonic blends beef and mushrooms for more eco-friendly burger - CBS ...


Fast food chain Sonic Drive-In is blending mushrooms into a new
burger to create healthier, more environmentally-friendly patties

On Monday, Jones floated his newest conspiracy explaining why
the president always seems so tired: Donald Trump is being
drugged y'all, and the culprits are targeting his beloved Diet
Cokes and iced teas.
Cordyceps For Treating Fatigue - Lost Empire Herbs


It is an herbal medicine, which can treat the symptoms of
fatigue. Cordyceps militaris is ... It is a rare type of
mushroom which is beneficial for athletes. Table of ...
The Fungus that Reduced Humanity to The Last of Us - Scientific ...


Mind Control and Fungus Art. In The Last of Us, 60 percent of
humanity is wiped out by the genus of parasitic fungus Cordyceps.
Out of the 400 ...
Shadowrun: Howling Shadows - The-Eye.eu!


Cordyceps, cymothoa exigua, bird flu, mad cow . all of them
found ...... This results in gibberish code at a much higher
rate than human, animal, or even insect ...


Shop MAKE MUSHROOM KINGDOM GREAT AGAIN trump tank tops designed
by MatheussBerant1 as well as other trump merchandise at
Gun Treatment of the Trump - 5 types of Composite Mushroom ...


Gun Treatment of the Trump - 5 types of Composite Mushroom
Immune Energizing Therapy and is on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping
on qualifying offers.
Donald Trump Freaks Out on Twitter After Obama Wins Election


Nov 6, 2012 - Shortly after President Barack Obama was announced
the winner of the 2012 election, Donald Trump had what some
might call a melodramatic freak out on Twitter. He condemned
America's democratic process, said the Electoral College should
get out of town and called for a revolution. But Trump is still
Beyond 2012: Catastrophe or Awakening?: A Complete Guide to ...


In his book Maya Cosmogenesis 2012, John Major Jenkins has shown
that the Maya were tracking precession, and that this is what is
behind the Long Count ... The fly agaric is, of course, a
hallucinogenic, and John Allegro, who translated the Dead Sea
Scrolls, went so far as to suggest that the early Christians
used it as a ...

In 1755 the naturalist Stepan Krasheninnikov observed the
Amanita muscaria mushroom's effects on Russian soldiers in
Siberia ingesting it for the first time. Claiming to have been
seized by an invisible power, the men submitted to the mushroom's
strange and often violent commands. A servant strangled his
master. A soldier found himself ordered to his knees and
confessed his sins before God. Krasheninnikov's interpreter
drank some mushroom liquor and "went into such a frenzy that he
slashed open his abdomen, on the command . . . of mukhomor, the
mushroom." One soldier who ate this mukhomor found a certain
dose reduced his fatigue while marching, but after eating more
of the mushroom he "gripped his testicles and died."

While operatives were systematically destroying the ostensibly
anticommunist Siberian mushroom traditions via a series of
assassinations in which shamans were reportedly thrown from
helicopters, plunged into frozen lakes, or simply shot, with
their drums kept as trophies, biochemists internationally were
recognizing the enormous value of muscimol, a psychoactive
alkaloid produced by A. muscaria, which, instead of changing the
activity of endogenous GABA, actually replaces it in the brain.

ARTiculate Fund is proud to present The Mushrooms of the Russian Avant-Garde

The Russian Revolution may have been extreme, but it was thought
extremely reasonable by its proponents. The avant-gardes Kasimir
Malevich and Vladimir Tatlin disagreed about whether art should
serve a social purpose

Makarevich & Elagina employ the fly-agaric mushroom as symbol of
this hallucinatory force. Tatlin's Monument to the Third
International, Malevich's Black Square, The Lenin Shack, various
Socialist Realist monuments, the Patriarch House and other
pieces of material culture are all paired with this symbol. The
implication is that each is underscored by the transcendent hallucinatory

Why the mushroom? Firstly, it is important to recognize that it
is a manifestation of the natural world which is, in a sense,
prior to both practice and discourse.

The Mushrooms of the Avant-Garde, while certainly an
idiosyncratic narrative, is also factography as resistance.
Dr. Mary's Monkey: How the Unsolved Murder of a Doctor, a Secret ...


Edward T. Haslam - ‎Medical

But I had no idea that the story would mushroom the way that it
did. My first glimpse of this broader horizon came from the
testimony of Judyth Vary Baker about her contact with Lee Harvey
Oswald in the summer of 1963. This detailed account not only
supported what Haslam had said; it expanded upon it. When Haslam

Annie, my freshman year roommate, worked at Domino's Pizza and
would sometimes bring back a pizza with fresh tomatoes and
mushrooms for me. She made 46 pizzas until she got a job at the
cancer research center, a job almost unheard of for a freshman
to get.

The area around the bronze marker was junked up with the charred
remains of a campfire. A faded beige couch cushion sprouted like
a mushroom from the shaded earth.

In his journal, a notebook with puppies on the front, he writes
about his dysfunctional aquarium and the dire wild mushroom
situation this year.

The journal is a conversation between us, and in my comments I
ask if there's any hope for the forest mushrooms. Next time he
hands in his notebook, he assures me Yes, mushroom situation has
improved. One day after class Viktor says I learn English all
the life and still it is not so good. I rip off his synthetic
sweater, the colors bleed like an apocalyptic sunset, and I
throw his black boxy manpurse out the window. My unstoppable
powers and the green afternoon light blind Viktor into
submission. With the light and Tchaikovsky and the pulsing
of our bodies, you'll remember a thousand words for love, I whisper.

The mania is nothing new: Stone-age petroglyphs on the banks of
Siberia's Pegtymel river depict figures whose heads are crowned
with mushrooms. They are material evidence that Russians have
embraced fungus, as both food and visionary intoxicant, since
time immemorial. Throughout, mycomania has transcended social
divisions - from gastronome to hallucinaut, child to grandparent,
shaman to city-dweller, peasant to political leader. Lenin was
supposedly no exception. A story goes that while in rural
Switzerland he was hurrying through the rain to catch a train
when he spotted a bunch of boletus and suddenly stopped to
collect them.

Whether true or not, the tale is ideologically charged. It makes
Lenin look ‘like a simple Russian muzhik, one passionate enough
to flout adverse weather - and miss a train - for the sake of a
few mushrooms'. That is to say, it communicates the ‘simple
essential humanity' of the great revolutionary.

The association of mushroom appreciation with the national
character has had the highest cultural consecration. The
eponymous hero of Pushkin's Eugene Onegin - a dandy with a
penchant for foreign delicacies such as Oysters - eventually
falls in love with a country-girl called Tatiana whose name-day
feast features fungi. In Tolstoy's War and Peace the character
Natasha Rostova, a daughter of nobility raised by a French
governess, displays her genuine Russianness by appreciating the
offering of pickled mushrooms.
The Mazatec Indians - The Mushrooms Speak - Entheology.com


The Mazatec shamans eat the mushrooms that liberate the
fountains of language to be able to speak beautifully and with
eloquence so that their .... do not have any experience of;
consequently their contentions are nonsense: nothing but
expressions of the conventionality the mushrooms explode by
their ...
Entheogens and the Development of Culture: The Anthropology and ...


Under the influence of fly agarics oracles talked gibberish,
which was interpreted by high priestesses according to their own
judgment, and it was used by witches, shamans, and druids in
performing pagan rituals and ceremonies. The purpose of
tonsuring monks' heads is thought to have been to place the red
veil on the ...
Full text of "PSILOCYBE CUBENSIS Handbuch Der Zucht ...

Despite muscimole's entheogenic inferiority to psilocybin, the
cultural role and use of the fly agaric mushroom amongst
Siberian shamans is beyond dispute and the Wassons uncovered a
wealth of literature ..... And, after all, weren't shamans just
primitive witchdoctors who spouted all sorts of unsophisticated
6 news reporters found speaking gibberish. What is going on! NEW ...

Reporters are starting to speak gibberish all around the world.
Nothing like this has ever happened before
Newscaster turns into an alien and speaks gibberish - YouTube

Newscaster turns into an alien and speaks gibberish.
FELTONandNOAH. Loading... Unsubscribe from ...
How 'gibberish' got into our genes - resource.wageningenur.nl


The handbook on life also contains - besides useful information - '
gibberish'. For thirty years, biologists have been questioning
how such ...
Far Beneath The Twinkie Defense | The Zola System


When former San Francisco Councilman Dan White was put on trial
for the ... It's self-serving gibberish that gave cover to a
jury with prejudices (White was a ...

University of Canterbury researcher's nonsense paper accepted by
US conference

A University of Canterbury researcher's paper on nuclear physics,
written entirely by iOS auto-complete, has been accepted by a US

Associate Professor Christoph Bartneck explained the strange
turn of events in a blog post.

On Thursday, Bartneck received an invitation from the
International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics to submit
a paper.
Catalase or coagulase %*!%*&" gibberish! - Microbiology Nuts & Bolts


Why is microbiology made so complicated? This microbiology
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German scientist couple presses theory that AIDS was created at Fort ...


Convinced that the U.S. Army's Fort Detrick biological warfare
laboratory in ... "It's crazy nonsense," said Meinrad Koch, head
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Germany's prestigious Humboldt University.
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Nobody could talk anything but Russian, and our conversation was
carried on in an extraordinary kind of gibberish. The doctor was
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