Magic Mushroom News Briefs
(too old to reply)
Tom Keske
2018-05-28 16:22:39 UTC


Siberian Times Reporter- Residents of Kemerovo, Russia expressed
great relief that the unusual, ominous, mushroom-shaped cloud
that appeared over their city, reminiscent of a nuclear
explosion, was merely an ominous foreshadowing of doom, and not
the actual doom, itself, at least not yet.

Resident Sergey Zmaznev said, "We thought this was it. The End.
The final curtain. The fat lady singing. But what a sigh of
relief we heaved when we realized that this was just a symbolic,
dark omen, like the blood-red river and some of the other crazy
stuff that has been going on in Siberia, lately."

Billy Bathgate, a resident of Kemerovo's sister city of Billings,
Montana expressed similar relief that the unexplained sound of a
huge explosion was neither an earthquake, nor as one 'news report'
had claimed, a nuclear detonation, at least, not yet.
Trans-Siberia Birthday Boy - Google Groups


concessions, that is true. As a humanitarian concession, Ukraine
should agree that if it rearms with nuclear weapons, that it
should not use them against any major Russian population centers
in order to punish the Russian people for lavishing popular
support on Putin when he is acting with all the arrogance of
power, trying

Politics Selected Articles: Ukraine Negotiations


Sep 1, 2014 - Ukraine Negotiations.

As a humanitarian concession, Ukraine should agree that if
it rearms with nuclear weapons, that it should not use them
against any major Russian population centers in order to punish
the Russian people for lavishing popular support on Putin
when he is acting with all the arrogance of power, trying
to grab lands in purest of self-interest, simply because he
believes that he can get away with it.

Ukraine should instead, when the time has come, give a demonstration
in a remote area such as Siberia. Then it might occur to Russia
that it has not been "terrorized" but has been spared.
Russians fear nuclear attack as giant mushroom cloud appears over ...


Russians feared they were under a nuclear attack as a large
mushroom shaped cloud appeared over Sibera. Residents of
Kemerovo in Russia's Western Siberia began posting images on
Sunday of what looked like the distinctive mark of a nuclear
explosion - an ominous mushroom cloud amidst blue skies ...
What's this nonsense about mushrooms? - Scripturient - Ian Chadwick


If you must pursue a mushroom conspiracy, look for one with some
substance or at least greater entertainment value. For example
this, this, this, this or this one. And as a disclaimer: I speak
for myself alone here, not for anyone else or any organization.
Russian protests over the Kemerovo fire are already burning out | The ...


Apr 7, 2018 - WITHIN a day, fire crews doused the blaze that
killed 64 people on March 25th at the Winter Cherry mall in
Kemerovo, a Siberian mining hub. More than a week later, the
political embers still smoulder. A national day of mourning was
declared, social-media avatars went black and marches were held

No place for gays in Putin's Crimea

In September last year, the Crimean self-proclaimed leader
Sergey Aksyonov promised that the authorities would never
support LGBT community and not let them to hold any public
events on the peninsula. Aksyonov stated that Orthodox and
Muslim family values should "be cultivated and encouraged" in
the Crimea (which sounds especially cynical in the light of the
well-known attitude of the current Russian authorities towards
the Crimea's Muslim Tatars). According to Aksyonov such
processes happening now in the West, where "dudes allowed to get
married" are "inadmissible and unacceptable" in Russia.

"We in Crimea do not need such (gay) people, they are not
welcome and they will never hold any public events. I guarantee
it", - promised Aksyonov adding that self-defense units would
deal with LGBT representatives.


Mediazon, 24 May 2016

A court in Kemerovo province found an openly homosexual priest
of the Association of Christian Eucharistic Communities,
Alexander Khmelev, guilty of extremism and sentenced him to a
fine of 1,000 rubles, Khmelev himself reported to Mediazon.

"My notebook was taken from me supposedly for inspection for
extremism, and today the ruling of court, as I understand it,
said that the notebook cannot be returned," Khmelev said.
Gay film festival banned in Siberia - Pride Source


Jan 16, 2018 - A traveling version of St. Petersburg, Russia's
gay film festival, Side by Side, was banned in the Siberian city
of Kemerovo on April 17 but was a big success April 15-18 in
Novosibirsk. The Kemerovo festival was scheduled for April 17-19
at the city-owned Palace of Youth and the private Planet Cinema.
Russian anti-gay law prompts rise in homophobic violence | World ...


One gay teenager, Robert, who lives in the Siberian city of
Kemerovo, said he narrowly avoided exposure at the hands of
Occupy Gerontophilia. "They tried to trick me into a meeting but
I immediately saw the ruse," Robert said, recounting an online
chat, supposedly with a 22-year-old man, who had offered ...
The tragedy in Kemerovo brings forth a much greater one | White Sun ...

This enraged Ukrainians online who openly said they had no
sympathy with someone who made such remarks, and losing his
family in a fire was an act of karma. Now we're getting stories
like this: Igor Vostrikov, the man who lost his whole family in
the Kemerovo fire, does a 180 degree after organizing a massive ...
Russian Patriarch Says Gay Marriage 'Sign Of Apocalypse' - RFE/RL by


The head of the Russian Orthodox Church has said that the legal
recognition of same-sex marriage is "a very dangerous sign of
the apocalypse." Patriarch Kirill told a congregation at Kazan
Cathedral in Moscow's Red Square on July 21 that such
recognition "means people are choosing a path of ...
Apocalypse now? Massive mushroom cloud terrifies ... - Daily Mail


The isolated cloud, in the industrial city of Kemerovo in Russia,
bore the distinctive hallmark of a nuclear explosion, leading
locals to believe that doomsday had arrived.

Washington, D.C.- During a briefing with reporters on Friday,
White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders was asked about a letter
from three Republican Congressmen who expressed alarm concerning
shithole countries that were within reach of acquiring advanced
nuclear technology.

Sanders responded that the White House was paying careful
attention and tracking the development of nuclear weaponry in
shithole countries such as Iran, Pakistan, North Korea and

When questioned as to whether Russia, where Vladimir Putin has
boasted of his ability to annihilate the entire U.K. with single
one of his so-called "Satan" nuclear bombs, also constituted a
so-called "shithole" country, Sanders responded, "No."

Political science professor Helmut Whorpath of Stony Brook
University commented that "The proliferation of shithole
countries that on are the cusp of nuclear capability is an
immensely serious and highly complex issue that will require a
nuanced and sophisticated response. More than ever, we will
require a calm and steady, reasoned hand to guide our ship of
state safely through these treacherous waters."

State Department Secretary Mike Pompouseo proposed that a task
force should be formed to evaluate the question of precisely
how many shithole countries were in pursuit of nuclear weapons
technology and to ascertain the timeframes in which the shitholes
might be able to accomplish this objective. He lamented,
however, that "The State Department staff and budget have been
pretty much decimated in favor of Pentagon spending and beefing
up our own, immense nuclear arsenal." "Hopefully," said
Pompouseo, "by the time that even shithole countries like Haiti
have the Bomb, enough time will have elapsed that they will have
forgotten what we said about them."
Buried In Trump's Nuclear Report: A Russian Doomsday Weapon - NPR


Its payload is a nuclear warhead "many tens of megatons in yield,"
Geist says. That is thousands of times more powerful than the
bombs dropped at the end of World War II and more powerful than
anything currently in the U.S. and Russian arsenals. Status-6
would launch from beneath a Russian submarine ...
The Siberian Cloud of Doom: Cumulonimbus Storm Clouds

https://www.almanac.com > Blogs > Weather Blogs > Weather Whisperers

Feb 15, 2017 - To many locals, the clouds looked like the
'mushroom cloud' of a nuclear explosion. The emergency services
for the Siberian city of Kemerovo were deluged with calls. While
some feared a nuclear strike, other thought it might be an
explosion in one of the nearby coal mines. The media started
calling it the ...
Doomsday near, man won't pay Kemerovo, Russia, traffic fine - UPI.com


Oct 26, 2012 - Quoting those who claim the Mayan calendar
predicts the world will end December 21, the unnamed man in
western Siberia, fined 1,000 rubles ($32) after a minor traffic
accident in Kemerovo, Russia, showed debt collectors a range of
charts to demonstrate Doomsday is imminent, the city's website
Kemerovo fire: Russia crowd condemns officials over disaster - BBC ...


President Vladimir Putin arrived in Kemerovo earlier and blamed
"criminal negligence" for Sunday's blaze. Relatives say dozens of
Doomsday craze angers legislators - Russia Beyond


Doomsday craze angers legislators. Dec 02, 2012 ... The police
in the Kemerovo Region have detained four local residents in the
town of Mariinsk for stealing foods from a van. The men
explained ... There has been a variety of prophecies declaring a
specific date of the end of the world and Doomsday. For instance,
some ...

Good news, doomsday preppers: the high strangeness and military
mysteries surrounding the "former" Soviet Union continue to
develop. Several Russian social media users and news outlets
caught dozens of photos of a mysterious, terrifying glow cloud
which was visible all across Siberia on the evening of October
26th. While some eyewitnesses thought the orb had a supernatural
origin, it turns out the explanation is a lot more terrifying.

Witnesses reported a feeling of dread upon seeing the glow cloud,
and believed the orb could be a harbinger of the end times, a
gap in the spacetime continuum, a UFO, or some sort of
supernatural apparition.
Comments: Supermoon to delay doomsday - PravdaReport


In recent months, the sky has been merciless to us. Record
strong solar flares cause terrible magnetic storms that provoke
headaches and heart attacks. The astronomers are scaring us
saying this is only the beginning of the solar awakening. Now it
is the turn of the natural satellite of the Earth to bring
another surprise.
Russia Kemerovo fire: How party turned into nightmare - BBC News


Among the crowd some blamed greed, saying the leisure centre's
managers had failed to invest in fire safety equipment. Some
said local officials had failed to carry out regular fire
inspections. An elderly man said Kemerovo's veteran governor
Aman Tuleyev was not to blame. "He can't control all the
Can Psychedelics Stop Oppression? Magic Mushroom Compound ...


Jan 25, 2018 - A new experimental research program has provided
the first evidence that psilocybin, the psychoactive compound
found in hallucinogenic mushrooms, might decrease authoritarian
views. "Magic" mushrooms have become inextricably linked to the
nature-loving, political counterculture that often seeks ...
Mushroom cloud scared the residents of Kemerovo, Russia | Earth ...


In the Kemerovo region, a huge mushroom cloud like a nuclear
explosion, not a little frightened local residents. To the
Ministry began to receive disturbing.
Are Magic Mushrooms a Gateway to a Different World? Elves, Spirits ...


Magic mushrooms have been at the center of many stories where
people claim to see and communicate with otherworldly beings,
spirits, and even God. Some people think these claims are
outrageous. The question becomes - is any of this possible - and
if so, how?
mushrooms russia and history


There are delightful verses about mushrooms in the poems of two
of Russia's more accomplished poets ... the stanzas of the
childish mushroom marching poem, 'Panic among the Mushrooms'1,
wherein Colonel ..... and interrupted with returns to ordinary
feeding, but constantly little, unpleasant, of wholesome but
sparing ...
We Interrupt This Poem - Google Groups


Hammer's, Sickle's, and Mushroom Clouds. the Story of the
Reverse Cold War http://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/
showthread.php?p=7351964 the Council of Nations was not prepared
for the sudden influx of. Communist forces that occured in the
month's of January and. February These setbacks prompted General ...
We Interrupt This Poem - Google Groups


In any case, the project was interrupted in midstream by a major
shake-up in the CIA's entire mind-control effort. Early in 1955,
Sid Gottlieb and his Ph.D. crew from TSS took over most of the.
ARTICHOKE functions, including the Society, from Morse Allen and
the Pinkerton types in the Office of Security. The MKULTRA men
The Gates of Hell: MKULTRA, Robert Graves, William Sargant ...


So what's the connection between a poet-mythologist and the
world of social engineering and mind control? The answer I found
was surprising because also so familiar: the world of
hallucinogens. In 1952, Robert Gordon Wasson (the man who
brought the magic mushroom to the west) wrote to Graves ...
Vladimir Putin boats, sunbathes and picks mushrooms in his Russian ...


(CNN) After a week dominated by talk of sanctions, the American
and Russian Presidents are now off vacationing on opposite sides
of the globe. One is at a golf club in New Jersey. The other is
fishing bare-chested in Siberia. President Donald Trump arrived
Friday for a 17-day working vacation at Trump
Prophetic Doomsday Mushroom Cloud Over Russia - YouTube

Russian fear nuclear doomsday as a giant mushroom cloud appears
over the sky in Siberia
The Beatles Lyrics - The Fool On The Hill - AZLyrics
https://www.azlyrics.com > B > The Beatles Lyrics

The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still. But
nobody wants to know him. They can see that he's just a fool.
And he never gives an answer. But the fool on the hill. Sees the
sun going down. And the eyes in his head. See the world spinning
around. Well on the way, head in a cloud. The man of a thousand
voices ...
Russian Gnostic Inoculation News - Google Groups


out a sharp languid paralysis. In Tatarstan the pensioner hardly
not zagryzli to death cockroaches. The schoolboy who has stolen
a long loaf of sausage, will be brought to justice. In a zone of
building of the Nizhniy Novgorod atomic power station there ...

Pagan god 'caught' in river by fisherman confirmed as being up
to 4,200 years old and 'unique'

By The Siberian Times

16 September 2016

The 'very distinctive expression of ferocity and rage' never
seen before among ancient Siberian statuettes, say experts.

Fisherman Nikolay Tarasov, 55, made the remarkable Bronze Age '
catch' when he dipped his net in the Dudet River near his home
in Tisul, Kemerovo region, on a fishing expedition for tench and

While far from identical, they are said to be stylistically
similar to the fisherman's pagan god, which is now on display at
Tisul History Museum

For now it remains a mystery how the ferocious find came to be
in the river.
River turns blood red in 'biblical bombshell' - WND.com


Feb 7, 2018 - Russian media are calling last week's sudden
change of Siberia's Molchanka River into a blood-red estuary a "
biblical bombshell," referencing the first of the Bible's ten
plagues visited on the Egytians in the book of Exodus. There,
the Nile River and other water sources turned to blood. No one
is calling the ...
Russia's Satan 2 Nuclear Missile Is Aimed at This U.S. City, According ...


Mar 1, 2018 - In his state of the nation speech, Putin showed
off the highly anticipated, oft-delayed RS-28 Sarmat (called SS-
X-30 Satan 2 by the U.S.-led NATO military alliance). The super-
heavy, hypersonic ICBM is said to be capable of evading even
advanced missile defenses and of wiping out an area the size of Texas
Russian Gov't Says Not to Worry About These 54 Severed Human ...

https://www.livescience.com > Strange News

A fisherman in Siberia made a grim discovery yesterday (March 8)
walking near the icy Amur River: 27 pairs of human hands, severed at the
wrist and stuffed into a bag. Russian authorities said the hands were likely
disposed of by a local forensics lab, bucking proper protocol. According to
the ...
Amazon.com: Mushroom Apocalypse: A Book of Fungal Fiction ...


Its memorable gallery of characters includes a pair of foodies
who contemplate eating a mushroom cloud, the Dalai Lama as magic
mushroom aficionado, Sherlock Holmes as an expert mushroom
identifier, a Russian czar named Ivan who's a terrible mushroom
identifier, and a mycologist named Rowland Faust who makes ...
Kemerovo fire: Who are the victims in the Russia leisure centre blaze ...


Relatives tell of loved-ones lost in the fire at the Winter
Cherry leisure centre in the Siberian city of Kemerovo. ...
Aleksandr and Olga Lillevyali told Meduza, a Russian news
website based in Latvia, that their three daughters had been
watching the film Sherlock Gnomes when smoke began to fill the
'Mushroom cloud' spotted in Siberia - Russia Beyond


Residents of the Kemerovo Region were frightened by an unusual,
mushroom-shaped cloud, reminiscent of a nuclear explosion. The
distinctive cloud appeared ... Some users suggested that the
cloud could have formed as a result of a powerful explosion at a
nearby coal mine. But Russian media quickly
On the tragedy at the "Komsomolyets" mine - In Defence of Marxism


Apr 12, 2000 - During the methane explosion at the "Komsomolyets"
mine in Kemerovo province 12 people were killed. This tragedy
occurred soon after another terrible tragedy in the Donbass in
the Ukraine. The Russian Marxist paper Workers Democracy (April
2000) blames the restoration of capitalism for these miners' ...

Apr 14, 1991 - The growing radicalization of the workers of the
Soviet Union -- the proletariat's evolving consciousness, to
borrow from the Marxist phrase book ... Here in the coal fields
outside Kemerovo, the shafts stink of gas. ... One morning a
taxi driver was weaving crazily as he drove from Kemerovo to the
Can Mushrooms Speak? - Patheos


As I read more and more about network surveillance, such as you
see in PRISM and with the NSA, it surprises me that some super-
genius hasn't studied the effective communication of mushrooms.
Yes, that's right, mushrooms. Mushrooms have a complex
communication system. Let's say that you have a ...
TELEGRAMS.; The Missing Cunard Steamer Siberia Spoken at Sea.
Present Aspect of the Plot Against Napoleon. The "Left" Denounce
It as a Political Trick.

Closing Scenes in the Contest on Color Among the Doctors. EUROPE.
The Steamer Siberia Puts Back With a Broken Shaft--All Well on
Board-Death of a Member of the Firm of Coutts & Co. Precautions
to Preserve Order on Sunday in Paris--The Great Plot--What the
Tribune's Correspondent has to Say-The French Bishops and the
Plebisciturm. Another Manifesto from the "Left"- The Plot
Denounced as a Political Trick.

The Red River Expedition Abandoned. Proposed Revised Translation
of the Bible--The Cotton Trade

Chicago- Religious scholars at Saint Xavier University expressed
shock and dismay in their discovery of certain sections of the
Bible that they had never bothered to read before.

Bob Bathgate, a professor of religious studies and a member of
the Philosphy Department, was dumbfounded to read in Luke 12:51
where the son of God said, "Do you think that I have come to give
peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. For from now
on in one house there will be five divided, three against two and
two against three. They will be divided, father against son and
son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against
mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and
daughter-in-law against mother-in-law."

Said professor Bathgate, "What the #$@!!?? What the hell ever
happened to 'Blessed are the peacemakers?' This is supposed to be
the 'son of God' talking? Sounds more like Satan on steroids.
Might as well be crap from the Koran. Small wonder that the
Christian crazies think that 'God had a direct hand in electing
President Trump'- one of the sleaziest, pussy-grabbing, undignified
low-brow disgraces that this country has ever seen."
Higher and wealth plans modern studies Seth preform, his muzhiks
deprave feudal ilustriously. Reynold crimped and petrified
encloses his superraza or think pardonable. ... Quavery Renault
plans, its pre-plan graduation re- irradiate livelily.
Pessimistic and conquered Mahmoud postulating his orientation
clouds and dips. I only understand the train station. Ej bekot.

Jerusalem - President Donald J. Trump, in a state of the nation tweet,
solemnly announced on Wednesday that "Our greatest hope is for peace"
in the Middle East, as one of the cornerstones of his administration's
passionate pursuit of all things having to do with "greatness".

Although Trump's klutzy juggling act and gymnastic Jersusalem theatrics
resulted in one of most violent clashes in decades, Mr. Trump remained
obstinately optimistic. "As you can see," he said, "this is working
out great in our quest for lasting peace, because one of the two
parties at the negotiating table is completely pleased with our move.
The other party is being unreasonable, but as you can plainly see,
we are already half-way to our goal by getting one side of the dispute
on-board with our position."
The Latest: Trump talks peace as Jerusalem embassy opens | News OK


Trump said his "greatest hope" is for peace. He said the United
States "remains fully committed to facilitating a lasting peace
58 dead in Gaza protests as Israel fetes U.S. Embassy move - Chicago ...


Thousands of protesters gathered in a bloody showdown that
threatened to cast a shadow over Israel's inauguration of new U.
S. Embassy in ...
What Palestinians can teach Jews about saving Israel - Opinion ...

https://www.haaretz.com > Opinion

What I'm about to say will be grossly unfair. But if young people
don't find ways to fix ...
Russians relieved mushroom cloud is just a cloud - New York Post


Russian residents were on cloud nine when they found out that
this ... Instagram user @Kemerovo_insta joked that there was "a
nuclear war ...
End Times? Well it is ABOUT time. I was beginning to think that
this crap was never going to end.
Kemerovo | News | The Moscow Times


Interesting fact: Kemerovo was an early supporter of the
Bolshevik ... Sister cities: Billings, Montana, United States;
Salgotarjan, Hungary.
The morel hunters are coming. Lots and lots of morel hunters. | News ...


In the coming weeks, the forests of western Montana will become ground zero
for mushroom pickers. The Forest Service is expecting thousands of mushroom
hunters to visit the Lolo and Kootenai forests for an anticipated 'shroom

Montana's News Leader
Billings, Montana

The "boom" heard in Great Falls was not a nuclear detonation

Although the source of the loud boom that was felt and heard in
and around Great Falls on Sunday afternoon has not yet been
determined, we do know that is was not the result of an
accidental detonation of a nuclear missile from Malmstrom Air
Force Base.

What was that "boom" people heard in Great Falls?

KRTV is your source for breaking news, features, and weather, in
Great Falls and north central Montana.

Mushroom- DJ Set

Psy-Trance duo from Israel.

Infected Mushroom is one of the most popular representatives of
the Israeli Psy-Trance scene.

Because of their constant musical development, Erez Aizen and
Amit Duvdevani were able to gather a huge international fanbase
around them.

Pub Station Ballroom
2502 1st Ave. N
Billings, MT, 59101

Doors 7:00 PM / Show 8:00 PM
JFK's 1963 visit to Montana seared into memories by assassination ...


That visit, and one the previous day in Billings, came less than
two months ... addressing the assassination in 1980, wrote that "
for the Baby Boom .... for guiding a nuclear test ban treaty
through the Senate, by an 80-19 vote
The "boom" heard in Great Falls was not a nuclear detonation


A bogus "news article" claims that the boom and jolt were caused
by a ... the atmosphere over the southern Pacific Ocean at 6:16
p.m. (Montana ...
Few knew of nukes passing through Billings during Cold War ...


The planes may have been armed with nuclear bombs during the
Cold War ... It's on display on Gore Hill by the Montana Air
Guard in Great Falls. ... "When the afterburners kicked in, you
could hear the boom all the way to the ...

I was born/raised in south central Montana and we constantly
went to Billings to see extended family. I may be stating the
obvious but have you noticed how many utterly whacked-out people
cluster around the inner Billings periphery of the hospital
complexes? Montana is the locus to some of the weirdest stuff
on earth. I have sound reason to believe Operation Paperclip
Nazi science fugitives were provided new papers/IDs and worked/
work in the Billings medical juggernaut. Billings has been a
mecca for human experimentation for decades.

I have every reason to believe in retrospect that the CUT epoch
was a colossal dark achievement in mass mind control, an MK
Ultra on steroids probably engineered in part out of Billings.
And this is just to inform you of things you can look up.

I personally interviewed Jerome Weisner, science advisor for
Eisenhower and Kennedy while doing an internship at MIT.
Weisner's eyes popped out when I told him I was from Montana.
He said go home and tell them they are ground zero because at
the time 90% of the nation's nuclear warheads were there.
2018-08-10 16:46:51 UTC
