Garbage Day
(too old to reply)
Tom Keske
2018-02-04 21:53:01 UTC
'Hopi' poems - Hello Poetry

It's February in Dresden, Germany, the Baroque capital of the
German state of Saxony, the city called lovingly by her (Slut!)
many lovers: "The Florence of the Elbe." It was a long time .....
Unfortunately, after seven years, she'd finally had enough of my
bullshit and threw me off the back of her garbage truck. I've
been pining ...
When Will We Hit Peak Garbage? | Science | Smithsonian


But a number of researchers in the field are focused on a
problem that has faded out of the news cycle: the piles of
garbage that are growing around the world. A recent World Bank
report projected that the amount of solid waste generated
globally will nearly double by the year 2025, going from 3.5
million ...
Wretched Refuse - Chicago Tribune


Right off, let`s get one thing straight. We`re talking garbage
here. Not. ``solid wastes,`` as the bureaucrats like to call it.
Not some exotic chemistry secretly released by unscrupulous
industrialists. We`re talking about the stuff we all put out at
the curb-that dreadful, steamy, steady, stinking flow of bones
and ...
Comey quotes Statue of Liberty poem in response to Trump 's---hole ...


"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to
breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send
these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside
the golden door!" Comey tweeted Thursday. ADVERTISEMENT. "This
country's greatness and true genius lies in ...
Trump's pungent, profane insult to immigrants | Newsday

https://www.newsday.com > Long Island > Politics

Wretched refuse from his mouth When Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.),
in a group of lawmakers meeting with Donald Trump, suggested
restoring protections for immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and
African cou.
Tales of Reagan's Guatemala Genocide - Democratic Underground


Tales of Reagan's Guatemala Genocide April 16, 2013. Exclusive:
Guatemala is finally putting ex-dictator Efrain Rios Montt on
trial for genocide in the extermination of hundreds of Mayan
villages in the 1980s, but Ronald Reagan remains an American
icon despite new evidence of his complicity in this ...
Digging into the Maya mystery | Science News for Students


During this time, at least 5 million and perhaps as many as 25
million people lived there. The empire's .... If it was found in
a garbage heap outside a house, it probably had little value. To
archaeologists, even that "garbage" offers clues to
understanding why the ancient Maya disappeared. Volunteers and ...
The Dresden Codex - and how to read it before it is too late


The Dresden Codex - and a short list of books you might want to
study during your last week on planet Earth. The Dresden Codex
also known as Codex Dresdensis was written in the eleventh or
twelfth century but is considered to be a copy of a Maya text
several hundred years older. This makes it the oldest book
written in the Americas.
Cracked Mayan Code May Pave Way to Lost Gold | Fox News


The expedition is led by Joachim Rittsteig, an expert in Mayan
writing, who claims to have cracked the famous Dresden Codex and
discovered specific information in one of its chapters that
leads to a treasure in Lake Izabal. "The Dresden Codex leads to
a giant treasure of eight tons of pure gold," said ...
Hollow Bones: A Caitlyn Tierney FBI Thriller


Not to mention the treasure-if she was right, they could be
talking about the location of the Dresden Codex's lost gold,
millions of dollars' worth of treasure that ... "The professor
is looking forward to meeting you," Prescott said as he steered
them around slower-moving trucks and brightly painted
"chicken buses" filled with ...
The Republican tax plan is a dumpster fire. Let's take out the trash.


Democratic National Committee chair Tom Perez explains why
Democrats will fight "tooth and nail" to defeat the "dumpster
fire" Republican tax bill.
Trash Is Literally Making a Big Stink Outside Of Moscow : NPR


All trash, whether it's household waste, glass, plastic, paper
or metal, still goes into the same bin. That has led to
mountains of garbage just outside Moscow's city limits. Last
summer, Russian President Vladimir Putin personally intervened
to stop one monster dump from taking over a suburb. As NPR's ...
Republican voters won't care one bit whether Roy Moore molested an ...


Moore, who is 70, has denied the accusations, calling them "
completely false," "garbage," "the very definition of fake news,"
and "a desperate political attack .... Republicans have built
entire campaigns on a manufactured epidemic of transgender
people hiding in bathroom stalls waiting to molest children.
Charlottesville car crash suspect 'has extreme values' - CNN -


(CNN) Before he was accused of ramming his car into a crowd in
Charlottesville, James Alex Fields Jr., 20, had been known to
his high school teacher and classmates as being "very big into
Nazism" and having a "fondness for Adolf Hitler." Fields, of
Maumee, Ohio, is suspected of driving his Dodge
After Trump's Remarks, White Nationalists Say He's Telling Truth ...


After Trump's Remarks, White Nationalists Say He's Telling Truth
About Charlottesville ... There were "very fine people on both
sides," Trump said. ... "I know exactly what you're trying to do,
is tying Donald Trump to me, which is why you're a piece of
garbage, right, because you know it's not accurate, ...
Comments on Breitbart News pushes deeper into Europe | The ...


It makes sense garbage like Breitbart would become big, there
are a lot of people out there in the US with shockingly
miserable lives and they need to surround themselves in worse
negativity to make their lives seem slightly better just to get
up in the morning. Here's hoping Europe doesn't have such a
blighted breed to ...
Republican Former EPA Chiefs Try To Convince Senate GOP That ...


Republican Former EPA Chiefs Try To Convince Senate GOP That
Climate Change Is Real. By Kate Sheppard ... Vitter has
previously called evidence cited to support climate change "
ridiculous pseudo-science garbage." Sen. John Boozman (R-Ark.)
criticized "expensive, big-government, left-wing climate ...
Was GOP Train Targeted by Cyberattack? » Alex Jones' Infowars ...


In 2016, Popular Science reported that train systems were "
vulnerable to hacking" after highlighting a study by German
cybersecurity researchers who warned that train warning signals
could be compromised to cause ... Train carrying Republican
lawmakers collides with garbage truck; one dead in crash.

Silicon Saxony Activities


Cyber-security is a paramount challenge for a networked society

Dresden, 02. May 2013

The largest and most fundamental chip location Silicon Saxony
develops technologies for a safe IT-infrastructure. At a
convention taking place in Dresden today, experts from industry
and politics are discussing threats by hacker attacks to so-
called "critical infrastructure". Due to their increasing
networked structure Germany's institutions and its vital data
nets are vulnerable to cyber-attacks: Transportation, energy and
water supply as well as rail and air traffic represent potential
Predictive Cybersecurity: Out with Garbage, In with Data | Mimecast Blog


The answer to email cybersecurity threats isn't simple. The
email threat vector is complex, and your company's on-premises
and DIY security solutions aren't always enough against the
determined and advanced cybercriminal. Achieving truly proactive
protection could require the adoption of predictive big ...
Electronic voting under scrutiny as computer experts lobby for ...


Those fears were further stoked this week when a group of voting
and computer experts urged recounts in three swing states,
saying tampering could have swung the Nov. 8 election to Donald
Trump. "The only way to know whether a cyberattack changed the
result is to closely examine the available
Election data models provide a lesson for cybersecurity | CSO Online


Garbage in, garbage out big data analytics models demonstrate
that people are just as important as data sets and algorithms.
Which Cybersecurity Skills Training Medium Is Best? - Tripwire

https://www.tripwire.com > Home > News

The good news is there are a lot of cybersecurity training
options, from free online resources like YouTube, Cybrary.it and
Khan Academy to paid vendor, skills and certification training.
The price is right with the free options! Training, however, is
a long-time devotee of the GIGO principle, where garbage in ...

A fast-moving wave of cyber attacks that swept the globe Friday
targeted German rail operator Deutsche Bahn.

The software attacks exploited a flaw exposed in documents
leaked from the US National Security Agency and use a technique
known as ransomware that locks users' files unless they pay the
attackers a designated sum in the virtual currency Bitcoin,
reports news agency AFP.


#wcry meets #deutschebahn #dresden
Is Donald Trump's Dark Russian Secret Hiding in Deutsche Bank's ...


The loans to Trump weren't the only abnormal behavior at
Deutsche. Around the same time he received his new line of
credit, the bank was laundering money, according to the New York
State Department of Financial Services (DFS). Russian money.
Billions of dollars that flowed from Moscow to London, ...
The Spread of the Russian Revolution: Essays on 1917


led to social unrest, was caused to a great extent by the
technical troubles on the railway network, as contemporary
observers pointed out. ... the Moscow railway network, the
predecessor of the railway Soviet, issued a resolution
The Russian Revolution: Events that shook the world | Green Left ...


Kornilov's army did not even make it to Petrograd, as railway
workers sabotaged train lines and then demoralised the enemy
through persuasive agitation. With the defeat of the counter-
revolution, and the loss of support by Kerensky's provisional
government due to the failure of the June military offensive ...
Pay as you throw << Recycling << Waste Management World


pay as you throw (PAYT), in which citizens reduce their
individual waste production because of ... The use of prepaid
sacks or labelled bins were the first steps taken to relate
payment for waste services directly .... billing system was
first introduced in Dresden, Saxony in 1994. Since then, many
German ...
The Dresden Files Collection 1-6 - Google Books Result


I shrugged and walked back to the rear of the house, passing a
number of empty trash cans as I did. Now that was a bit odd. I
mean, I would expect a little something in the trash, even if
someone hadn't been there in a while. Did the garbage truck come
all the way down the drive to pick up the trash cans? That didn't
seem ...
Evangelicals Key to South Carolina GOP Primary : NPR


In South Carolina, evangelicals will make up roughly half of the
electorate in the Republican presidential primary Saturday. They
are credited with helping Mike Huckabee win in ... For undecided
voters like Larry Johnson of Cayce, S.C., faith is the paramount
issue. "Being a Christian, I really believe we need to get more ...
What Are The Principal Beliefs of Mind Control, Spiritism, Edgar Cayce ...


Mind control, the Edgar Cayce teachings, and the new age
movement all appeal to the soulish man, because they do not
require repentance. They do not require being born again. A
concept in most of these cults is that if a person gains
sufficient knowledge, he can dominate and control the events of
the world because he ...
Yahuwah's Game: It's Just A Ride In The Matrix


Michigan), a high presidential mind control sex slave, has
proven the fact that she was mind controlled. She stressed that
traditional ... Edgar Cayce, a well-documented psychic of the
20th century, said, "All souls were created in the beginning and
are finding their way back to whence they came."3 If we create
our own reality ...
Under the Watchful Gaze of Edgar Cayce - A.R.E. of New York Edgar ...


edgarcayce BW I was at the new location of the Edgar Cayce
Center of New York on the night of Saturday, Sept 17th when the
bomb exploded on 23rd Street in ... it was in his way and two
passersby took the duffle bag after discarding the pressure
cooker bomb inside, apparently finding a treasure in street
Grolier Codex ruled genuine: what the oldest manuscript to
survive ...


Dresden codex also known as the Codex Dresdensis pages, metres
feet) one of the few Mayan books that have survived burning by
the Spanish ... Cayce, also known as the Sleeping Prophet,
correctly predicted the stock market crash and Great Depression
of the beginning of World War II, and many Earth Changes of ...
Amtrak train crash in SC leaves people dead and injured | The State


10 hours ago - 2 dead, more than 100 hurt in Amtrak crash in
Cayce ... A Sunday morning crash involving an Amtrak passenger
train and a freight train in Cayce, South Carolina, killed at
least two people and injured more than 100. .... This is the
second fatal Amtrak crash in a week and the third in the last
few months.
Sanitation Workers Took Trucks Off The Road To Honor 2 Killed 50 ...


Thursday marks 50 years since two sanitation workers were killed
in a grisly accident in Memphis. Their deaths set the stage for
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to be in that city for a protest.
While there, he was assassinated. MARY LOUISE KELLY, HOST:
Sanitation workers pulled their garbage trucks off the road ...
2012: Decoding the Countercultural Apocalypse


Cayce's influence also appears in comments about 2012 by David
Wilcock, who claims to be a reincarnation of Cayce (Free 2004). ...
and forth between discussions of Landa and beliefs collected in
Colonial Yucatán, a description of the last page of the Dresden
Codex, and a description of the beliefs of the "modern Maya

Standing on the edge of history, Don Reece remembers the startup
day for the world's first commercial nuclear reactor - Dresden
Unit 1 at Morris.

He doesn't remember the date, though, he said at Wednesday's
ceremony marking 50 years of Dresden Unit 1, the nation's first
privately financed, full-scale, commercial nuclear power plant.

"It was really interesting," Reece said of the first startup.
They said, ‘We'll put a certain amount of fuel in, and the
reactor will go critical. We did some loading of the first core.
We did it with a minimal amount of water in the reactor, and we
were loading it while standing on the upper grid of the reactor."
The Saga of Michael Buhrman and Landon Brittain - Enformable


The well-paid senior reactor operator started attempting to
recruit other workers at the Dresden nuclear power plant in
order to form a gang to rob banks "to get back at the system."
Buhrman did succeed in recruiting at least one other worker,
Landon Brittain, a senior reactor operator at the Dresden
nuclear ...
Arrests Call Into Question Nuclear Plant Employee Training - NBC ...


Two more Dresden Nuclear Power Plant employees have been
arrested in the past month, further calling into question the
security screening that all nuclear power plant employees must
undergo on a regular.
Si...Mayan Ruins In Hawaii... - YouTube

WATCH Duck Dynasty, Duck Commander, Phil Robertson talk - why
this country needs a lot more Jesus ...
Hawaiian Mayan Gold (by Pua Mana Pakalolo) :: SeedFinder :: Strain ...

en.seedfinder.eu > Database > Breeder > Pua Mana

Hawaiian Mayan Gold (Kona Gold x Colombian Gold) What do you get
when you blend two of the most potent equatorial Sativa strains
on the planet together in paradise?? You get a Pakalolo strain
that is way mo' betta' than gold!!! Hawaiian Mayan Gold is a
Sativa lovers dream come true. This magnificent mouthwatering ...
The Islands Of Hawaii Hold One Of The Dirtiest Places In The World ...


The Big Island's southeastern shore is relatively close to the
eastern Pacific garbage patch, which is part of the massive
convergence of marine litter known as the Great Pacific Garbage
Patch. The easternmost concentration of trash is midway between
the California coast and the eastern shores of Hawaii.
Hawaii's false missile alert sent by troubled worker ... -
Washington Post


The Hawaii employee who sent out a false alarm warning of an
incoming missile attack earlier this month said he misunderstood
that a drill was underway .... The lack of a contingency plan
reflected a critical failure on the part of Hawaii's emergency
management agency, said Ajit Pai, chairman of the FCC.
Hawaii's false alarm should alarm us all - USA Today


A false alarm warning of a ballistic missile heading to Hawaii
sent the islands into a panic. ... The nation's wireless alert
system that went operational in 2012 has shown problems with
either overly broad, panic-sowing alerts (as occurred during
Hurricane Harvey) or no alerts at all (as occurred during some ...\
Malfunction sets off warning sirens near North Carolina nuclear power ...


Jan 20, 2018 - An apparent malfunction set off public warning
sirens Friday afternoon at a North Carolina nuclear power plant,
according to published reports. What happened? North Carolina's
Department of Public Safety confirmed that a malfunction
triggered a false alarm at the Harris Nuclear Plant southwest of ...
Amtrak Train Crash in South Carolina Kills at Least 2 and
Injures 116 ...


Amtrak said its train, which was carrying eight crew members and
139 passengers, hit a CSX train near Cayce, S.C., outside
Columbia, around 2:35 a.m..
High-Powered Plasma Turns Garbage Into Gas | WIRED


Dump trucks inch up the gravel road to the top of the heap,
where they tip their cargo of dirty diapers, discarded furniture,
lemon rinds, spent lightbulbs, Styrofoam peanuts, and all ....
Surma's first project was to work on so-called joule-heated
melters, an experimental method for processing nuclear waste.
"religious freedom" garbage, it's time to call the religious right's trash


Just in time for Holy Week, the State of Indiana has passed a
new Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The law explicitly
permits for-profit corporations from practicing the "free
exercise of religion" and it allows them to use the "exercise of
religion" as a defense against any lawsuits whether from the ...\
When Religion Is Not Garbage | Spiritual Directors International


When he realized that I was a priest, he told me he had no use
for religion; he said: "religion is garbage." He then shared how
he ... He's often invited to lead prayers at public events
around issues such as nuclear disarmament, worker justice,
immigration, and women's rights in places such as Afghanistan.
2018-08-06 06:11:53 UTC
